HydITEx corporation

Value Vision Mission

HydITEx's core value is its commitment to harnessing people's technological intelligence to promote sustainable development, inclusion and the well-being of humanity.

new society – Society 5.0

Increasing globalization and life expectancy, developing economies, global competition, social and regional conditions further complicate the situation. The rapid development of all sectors, green energy, climate control and social innovation takes time. Today, the world is on the cusp of a technological metamorphosis that is challenging the way we live, act and interact with each other, at a scale, size and classification transformation that surpasses anything that has ever existed in the world. The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) is leading to radical changes in society and industry. Digital transformation will create new values ​​and become the basis of industrial policy in many countries. In the era of Industry 4.0, manufacturing and production systems have been revolutionized by increasing operational efficiency, developing and introducing new business models, services and products. Although Industry 4.0 is not yet fully integrated worldwide, now is the time to take initiatives to design and develop the human-centered aspect of technologies, systems and services, called Industry 5.0. Industry 5.0 (I5.0) will include autonomous manufacturing using human intelligence and AI in mainstream technology. In Industry 5.0 (I5.0), digital data networks must provide ultra-high reliability and high data rates for a variety of applications. Energy in Industry 5.0 (I5.0) will use new methods of energy collection and distribution to optimize management. It is worth noting that the transition time from one industrial revolution to another is becoming significantly shorter, which indicates the rapid development of technology in the modern era. It also lies in the fact that from the second to the fourth industrial revolution there was a big leap in conceptually new technologies, however, the next industrial revolution is still based on its predecessor. Based on these historical observations, it can be assumed that the human-cyber-physical system will be the most likely theme of the fifth industrial revolution in the coming decades.

The influence of Industry 5.0 (I5.0) will extend to social transformation, which will eventually lead to the creation of a new society – Society 5.0. In the near future, the dawn of a new era of industrial transformation will come. This new era will allow engineers to make full use of the current technological landscape for the benefit of humanity, as well as for the socialization of factories. People, things and systems are connected to each other, initiating the evolution of Society 5.0 (S5.0), the convergence of cyberspace and physical space by collecting big data from various sources using sensors and devices. Big data is analyzed using the capabilities of artificial intelligence to integrate back into the physical space with new values through various forms and means for people, industries and corporations to achieve both economic development and solving social problems in parallel. Society 5.0 (S5.0) is a human-oriented design solution in which humans and cobots collaborate in a common work environment.

Society 5.0 (S5.0) is a solution to the problems of the current society, which will be a futuristic super-intelligent society in which everyone can enjoy a high-quality and comfortable life through the fusion of cyberspace and physical space through the full use of ICT (information and communication technologies). Facilitating the participation of society in the development of ideas and projects. Society 5.0 (S5.0) will create new value through social innovation, eliminate regional, age and language differences and allow the provision of products and services adapted to different individual requirements and potential needs. The Society 5.0 (S5.0) demonstrates the potential to solve many problems in various fields, such as energy, manufacturing, mobility, healthcare, agriculture, food, disaster management and many others.

The main goal of the Society 5.0 (S5.0) is to use people's technological intelligence to ensure sustainability, inclusivity and well-being of humanity. The idea is based on the simple premise that technology exists (and has always existed) to find solutions that improve people's lives.

Link with Industry 5.0 & Society 5.0 Key Enablers

I5.0 including 4.0

+ Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems (C-CCP)

+ Cyber-physical systems (CPS)

+ Human interaction and recognition technologies (HIRT)

+ IOT enabled supply chain process optimization & automation

+ Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

+ Internet of Things (IOT)

+ Intelligent or Adaptive Robots

+ Drones

+ Robotics

+ Industrial Smart Wearable (ISW)

+ Wearables & Edge AI

+ Dynamic Simulation and Digital Twin (DSDT)

+ Digital Twin

+ Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (CAI)

+ Artificial Intelligence  (AI)

+ Extended reality (XR)

+ Mixed reality (MR)

+ Augmented Reality (AR)

+ Virtual Reality (VR)

+ Cloud

+ Advanced Materials

+ Smart Sensors

+ Biosensors & biofuel cell

+ Adaptive Smart Factory (ASF)

+ Smart Product Lifecycle Management (SPLM) 

+ Maintenance

+ E-Governance

+ Intelligent Energy Management System (IEMS)

+ Electric Vehicles

+ Hydrogen power

+ Big Data & Analytics action

+ Cybersecurity

+ Blockchain

+ Data Democratization

+ Innovation Strategies


+ Affordable & Clean Energy

+ No Poverty

+ Zero Hunger

+ Good Health & Well-Being

+ Quality Education

+ Clean Water & Sanitation

+ Decent work & economic growth

+ Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

+ Reduced Inequalities

+ Sustainable cities & Communities

+ Responsible Consumption & Production

+ Climate action

+ Life below water 

+ Life on Land

+ Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

+ Partnerships for the goals

A vision of an all-electric society

The concept of an all-electric society describes a vision of a carbon-neutral and sustainable world whose energy needs are fully met by renewable electricity.

Key prerequisites for this are the transition of modern fossil fuel applications to electric and carbon-neutral energy sources, as well as efficient energy management. Electrical and information technologies are a critical key to solving the global climate crisis. The current energy and environmental crisis is a serious problem.

Achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement particularly requires society to switch to renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels. Speed, consistency and coordination of measures are critical here. And this is exactly what electrical standardization can support and accompany. To achieve this goal, all sectors of our economy and society must be digitized, automated and electrified, be it industry, our mobility, our buildings, our energy supply or infrastructure. Based on this, all sectors can be connected and integrated.

Energy efficiency can be optimized in all systems. Fully electric society and sector integration. This requires coordinating the requirements of different sectors, thereby creating the architectural basis for the necessary global standardization of a sustainable energy system through the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standardization framework, actively applying digital standards (SMART standards) to make standards simpler and faster, more modern and even safer.

With our explosion-proof technologies and hydrogen energy solutions, we contribute to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the creation of an all-electric society. We recognize the strategic importance of the SDGs to our business and the world and are committed to helping achieve them.